
Monday, October 18, 2021

Chappelle: What I think.


In the past week, I’ve been asked by no less than ten people what I thought of Chappelle’s “special”.  Here’s what I think. Do with it what you will. It’s my opinion ONLY.

He has a right to say what he wants. That is freedom of speech.

Netflix has a right to put whatever it wants to on its airwaves, regardless of whether I or anyone else thinks it smacks of ignorance and intolerance.

You have a right to watch whatever you want. If you think he’s a genius, so be it.

As for me, I didn’t much care for his comedy before, so I’d be lying if I used his vehement disgust of trans women (no mention of how he feels about trans men, I guess) as the focal point of my opinion of him.

Based on the clips I’ve seen of his recent program, his definition of a woman is whether or not she can bear children. He leaves out any mention of women who for medical reasons cannot conceive or bear children. Are they not women either? Just asking.

He goes into a protracted discussion of Trans women’s “Pussies” and how they gross him out.  I presume that he’s seen many of them and would ask, what is his fascination with Trans women and what is between their legs? Does his definition of womanhood ignore all the beauty, intelligence, talent, and nurturing that makes a woman a woman get ignored or does he just admire them for the beauty of their genitalia and whether or not they are worthy to bear his children?

He needs to know that the violence perpetuated against Trans women is disproportionately aimed at women of color and his alignment with “Team TERF” supports the hatred of a marginalized group of people who want only to live an authentic life in peace and happiness, with the same rights as everyone else. EVERYONE else.

So let Dave be Dave. Let him say what he wants. That’s what America is, after all. There will always be those who buy into what he says. But all I ask is that you watch and listen. If you find what he says disturbing, don’t support him. You have the power to click that remote. It doesn’t require a lot of strength. Cancelling people is not the way. If we keep cancelling ideas and trying to eliminate people like him from the culture, we are committing the worst kind of cancelling--- free thought. I don’t want to live in a world like that. Do YOU?

Monday, August 30, 2021

Down To Earth, Guess who got a Job? August 28, 2021


So I bumped into Jesus at the WaWa this morning…

ME: Holy Cow!!! It’s been months since I’ve seen you.  You’re working here now?

JESUS: Just for the record, I’ve always worked. I just was doing the Lord’s work previously. But yes indeedy! I’m a gas junkie now!

ME: …that’s JOCKEY. Not junkie.

JESUS: You say Jockey, I say Junkie. Don’t be an anti-Semantic, kiddo.

ME: So how long have you been working here? And how come I haven’t seen you before?

JESUS: I started last year when the plague hit. Rhonda the Armenian and I both got jobs because the manager figured since we hung out here so much, we might as well make some dough. But we work overnights mostly because, well…we don’t have a place to live and it’s so quiet here at night, we can catch some ZZZZZS in the little house on the gas island. They have a heater.

ME: Wait. They hired RHONDA?                                                               

JESUS: She’s on pump #6. See?

RHONDA (to a customer): You said cash, not credit, so I pumped the cash price. And now you want to hose me for the difference, ya freakin dog-faced, chicken legged, spineless twerp? Pay up or you’re going home with two black eyes and four flat tires!

ME: Ahhh…she was born to be in customer service. So are you out of the Savior business now?

JESUS: Of course not. But I’m not getting any younger, so I’ve cut back my hours a bit. Dad wants me to break in my brother Buddy for the job. He’s out in the field now, actually, or I’d introduce you.

ME: You’re telling me that your father has more kids than you? But he’s not married or anything.

JESUS: Duh, of course He does. We don’t call him the FATHER for nothing, you know. There’s Buddy, Max, Antonio, Larry and of course the girls, Patty, Maxine, Laverne…

ME: You’re related to the Andrews Sisters?

JESUS: We ALLLLL related, Chickie babe. Hey my break is almost over. Could you get me some stuff inside?

ME: You have money now, right? Get it yourself.

JESUS: C’mon. For old time sake? I’ll look at it as a corporal work of mercy, okay?

ME: (Sigh) What do you want?

JESUS: Okay, a pack of butts, a cinnamon bun, with lots of icing, a hot dog, just mustard, and a jalapeno stuffed pretzel. And as an added bonus, I’ll throw you a free miracle and you don’t even have to touch the hem of my garment. That’s how much I dig you.

ME: You’re something else, you know that?

JESUS: That’s what they tell me. I’ll be at Pump #2. Love you, Babycakes!



Friday, January 15, 2021

Down to Earth! January 15, 2021. The Inauguration!


So I bumped into Jesus at the WaWa this morning…

ME: Look at you! All fancied up in your morning coat and top hat. Where are you off to?

JESUS: Rhonda the Armenian, Peter the Accountant and I are headed to Washington D.C. for the inauguration. Joe invited us. Rhonda is singing the national anthem and Peter is backing her up on harmonica.

ME: I thought Lady GaGa was doing that?

JESUS: Well she is. We set up a little step ladder for Rhonda a couple of blocks away. She’s going to sing it to him as he drives by on the way to the Capitol. She’s over there, rehearsing. By the way, do you know the difference between the words ‘Capitol’ and ‘Capital’?

ME: I believe a Capital can be a noun or an adjective. Capital can refer to uppercase letters, accumulated wealth, or the city that serves as the seat of a country’s or state’s government. And a capitol is a building in which the legislative body of government meets.

JESUS: You could have let me explain it. I see that Dad gave you the gift of knowledge, but not humility. Expect a mild smiting in the near future.

ME: Sorry. On a different note, I’m sure you know about all the horrible stuff that went on in the CAPITOL last week. Aren’t you nervous?

JESUS: Well duh? Of course we are. But it’s not like we haven’t been afraid before. My brother James once said, “So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.” We're going because it's the right thing.

ME: Well there it is. Makes sense.

JESUS: Yeah he was the writer in the family.  I was the on-air talent.

ME: Well, I haven’t seen you in a while. Happy New Year. Any words of wisdom for us? Things are pretty bad right now.

JESUS: Same as it ever was. Love is better than hate. Listen to other people. Have discussions and not fights.

RHONDA: AND GET YOUR FRIGGIN MASKS ON, YA BUNCH FLACCID PIMENTOS! I’m done rehearsing, boss. The cops showed up again and thought I was being beaten. I said, “No stupid, that’s called SINGING where I come from.”

PETER: We should be hitting the road, boss.

JESUS: Okay. Hey chickpea, let me ask you something. Do you think these sandals clash with the outfit?

ME: YOU cut a dashing figure. Knock em dead!

JESUS: Bless you my child.


JESUS: Rhonda, remember your New Year’s resolution? A kinder, gentler, probationary resident of Paradise. Now let’s go. Love you chickpea!

ME: Should I say, God Bless America?

JESUS: It couldn’t hurt. Just say “Please?” at the end, okay?